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Employee and organizational performance have utmost importance for the sake of improving productivity. The study attempts to find out employees and organizational performance. The study adopted a descriptive research design. A sample size of 103 participants is used for the study. The study revealed that most of the respondents representing were informed through the company’s orientation program. Training and development method used by organizations can be categorized as either on-the-job or off-the-job. Most of the training received by respondents was on; Team leadership, fire management, harvesting, planting, safety/PPE, and training company’s protocols. The majority of the respondents received training as a compulsory requirement for all employees. Employees were trained through (demonstration, discussion, presentation, lecture, and then seminars). All employees recognized the need for further training to enhance their specific job role development. The major challenges of the employee in the performance of their duties were inadequate training logistics, inadequate/ unsuitable time allocated for training, inconsistencies in training on the same subject, irregularity of training, no training incentives, and non-identification of training needs. The study revealed that the impact of training and development on employee’s performance and productivity were: adhering to protocols, broadened scope, enhanced knowledge/skills in the area of work, enhanced leadership skills, enhanced productivity, and innovativeness, respecting other people’s opinions, safe operations among others. The study recommended that basic training materials especially audio-visual aids should be acquired to make training more effective.


employees organizational performance training and development

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How to Cite
Chinaza Adaobi , C. ., & Owusuaa-Konadu Snr, C. . (2022). Employees Training and Development on Organizational Performance. Convergence Chronicles, 3(4), 749–764.


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