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The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional design. Using a simple random sampling technique, 308 professionals made up of 78 midwives, 30 public health nurses, 80 community health nurses, five mental health nurses, and 115 general nurses participated. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data and analyzed using SPSS. The purpose of the study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses and midwives on postpartum depression identification and management. The study showed that most (91.2%) of the respondents know about PPD as they could identify the signs and symptoms. Many respondents were not aware of the various standardized screening tools available for PPD patients, and many more did not know how to operate the PPD screening tools. Nurses and midwives at the Methodist Hospital Wenchi have significant knowledge of Postpartum Depression identification but have low knowledge of screening and management practices of PPD. Also, their attitudes towards screening and management of the condition were poor.


Postpartum Depression Mental Health Nursing Mothers

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How to Cite
Fiavor, F. ., Akanzabwon , M. J. ., Mwini-Nyaledzigbor, P. P. ., Eshun, D., & Chinaza Adaobi, C. . (2022). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Nurses and Midwives on Postpartum Depression Identification and Management . Convergence Chronicles, 3(3), 679–688.


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