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The study made an effort to look at the connection between teacher commitment and leadership philosophies. The study found a substantial and favorable association between overall leadership style and overall commitment, even though it was a weak relationship. A cross-sectional sample method was used in this research. This architecture captures how things are at a certain point in time. The population size is 850, which comprises all head teachers and teachers currently teaching in public basic schools in the Ledzokuku Municipality. The finding further revealed that individually, all the factors of transactional and transformational have a weak but significant positive correlation with the three commitment dimensions except management-by-exception-passive (the negative leadership factor), which has no relationship with affective commitment and a weak and insignificant relationship with normative commitment. Furthermore, the study discovered that a strong leadership style boosts teacher commitment. Furthermore, transactional leadership generates more commitment than transformational or laissez-faire leadership. This means that when head teachers reward teachers, monitor and forecast potential issues in their work, and take remedial action, their commitment rises. Negative leadership styles like laissez-faire and management-by-exception-passive have nothing to do with dedication. This finding suggests that it might be inadequate and deceptive to conclude that transactional leadership style correlates significantly with commitment without an evaluation of all its individual factors.

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How to Cite
Morkor Boye, R. . (2023). Relationship between Head Teachers’ Leadership Styles and Teachers’ Commitment in Ledzokuku Municipality. Convergence Chronicles, 4(3), 40–47.


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