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This research investigated strategies to enhance student involvement in Physical Education (PE) classes within Jaman South Municipality, Bono region, Ghana. Employing a descriptive cross-sectional survey with quantitative methods, the study encompassed 62 Junior High Schools totaling 7,448 students. Utilizing simple random sampling and the lottery method, five out of nine schools were chosen, yielding a sample of 372 students based on Yamane's (1967) formula. Primary data was gathered through structured questionnaires, reviewed by physical education experts whose feedback was integrated. Questionnaire reliability was confirmed via a pre-test in Berekum Municipal, outside the study area. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 23, applying percentages and descriptive statistics like means and standard deviations. Ethical considerations included obtaining consent from participants. The findings suggest that improving PE participation requires schools to provide qualified teachers, adequate facilities, and necessary equipment. Moreover, comprehensive training for all teachers and sufficient PE lesson time are crucial. The study advocates for heads of basic schools, stakeholders, and support officers to closely monitor and enforce PE programs. Additionally, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for students, along with public recognition for those excelling in PE, are recommended to foster engagement. PE teachers should also receive regular training and motivation to enhance their effectiveness.


Students Learning Physical Education (PE) Student Participation Ghana

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How to Cite
Ibrahim, T. (2024). Measures to Improve Participation in Physical Education among Basic Schools. Convergence Chronicles, 5(1), 285–292.


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