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The study aimed at examining family factors and students’ academic achievements. The overarching motivation for this work was a desire to understand and recognize the relevance of family factors in advancing the academic performance of the student. A sample size of three hundred and fifty-six (356) respondents was used for this study. A questionnaire was the main data collection instrument used for the study. Descriptive statistics and the chi-square test of independence were used in the analysis of quantitative data using SPSS version 22 and Microsoft Excel software. The results showed a positive association between parental income level and students’ academic performance. Student performance was found to be significantly associated with family size, the educational status of the family head, and parental involvement in the student’s educational effort. Parents and guardians should understand and recognize the critical role of families in creating an enabling and supportive learning environment for students in their educational efforts. Further causal study is needed to assess the relative importance of family factors on the academic performance of the student.


students academic performance family factors academic achievements Ghana

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Gyasewaa, F., Tinyogtaa Adama, D. ., Nanyele, S. ., & Obo Amissah, A. L. . (2023). Family Factors and Students’ Academic Performance of Students in Senior High Schools: Felicia Gyasewaa. Convergence Chronicles, 4(4), 72–89.


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