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Today's news media landscape exposes audiences to multi-faceted media choices. Using an audience-centered approach in a cross-sectional survey of 419 respondents, we examined the audience's choice of news sources and their assessment of media credibility and verification of news as determined by the demographic factors of age and educational level. The results indicate that mainstream news media outlets are generally more popular than social media, but the latter has more appeal among younger people. While audiences' age and education count in selecting the most reliable news outlets, the different age brackets generally have similar tendencies to validate the news they receive from their most reliable sources. However, persons with higher levels of education are more likely to validate news than those with lower levels of education. Thus, we discuss the implications of our findings on fake news and misinformation for young people.
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- Alhabash, S., & Ma, M. (2017). A tale of four platforms: Motivations and uses of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat among college students? Social Media + Society, 3(1), 44-67
- Allcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social media and fake news in the 2016 election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(2), 211–236.
- Amazeen, M. A., & Bucy, E. P. (2019). Conferring resistance to digital disinformation: The inoculating influence of procedural news knowledge. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63(3), 415–432. 08838151.2019.1653101
- Baum MA (2003) Soft news and political knowledge: evidence of absence or absence of evidence? Political Communication, 20(2): 173–190.
- Baym, G. (2017). Journalism and the hybrid condition: Long-form television drama at the intersections of news and narrative. Journalism, 18(1), 11–26.
- Bergström, A., Strömbäck, J., & Arkhede, S. (2019). Towards rising inequalities in newspaper and television news consumption? A longitudinal analysis, 2000-2016. European Journal of Communication, 34(2), 175-189.
- Boczkowski, P. J., Mitchelstein, E., & Matassi, M. (2018). “News comes across when I’m in a moment of leisure”: Understanding the practices of incidental news consumption on social media. New Media & Society, 20(10), 3523–3539.
- Bowman, S., & Willis, C. (2003). We Media: How audiences are shaping the future of news and information. Washington DC: The Media Center at the American Press Institute.
- Bucy, E. P. (2003). Media credibility reconsidered: Synergy effects between on-air and online news. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 80(2), 247–264.
- Carstensen, L. L. (2006). The influence of a sense of time on human development. Science, 312, 1913–1915.
- Chan-Olmsted, S., Rim, H., & Zerba, A. (2013). Mobile news adoption among young adults: Examining the roles of perceptions, news consumption, and media usage. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 90(1), 126-147.
- Chyi, H. I., & Lee, A. M. (2013). Online news consumption: A structural model linking preference, use, and paying intent. Digital Journalism, 1(2), 194-211.
- Cohen, A. A. (ed.). (2013). Foreign news on television: where in the world is the global village? New York: Peter Lang.
- Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.).
- Diehl, T., Barnidge, M., Gil de Zuniga, H. (2019). Multi-platform news use and political participation across age groups: Toward a valid metric of platform diversity and its effects. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(2), 428-451.
- Edgerly, S. (2017). Making sense and drawing lines: Young adults and the mixing of news and entertainment. Journalism Studies, 18(8), 1052–1069.
- Edgerly, S., Mourão, R. R., Thorson, E., & Tham, S. M. (2020). When do audiences verify? How perceptions about message and source influence audience verification of news headlines. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(1), 52–71.
- Edgerly, S., & Vraga, E. K. (2020a). Deciding what's news: News-ness as an audience concept for the hybrid media environment. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(2), 416–434.
- Edgerly, S., & Vraga, E. K. (2020b) That's not news: Audience perceptions of "news-ness" and why it matters. Mass Communication and Society, 23(5), 730-754,
- Elvestad, E., & Phillips, A. (2018). Misunderstanding news audiences. Seven myths of the social media era. London: Routledge.
- Esser, F., & Steppat, D. (2017). News media use: International comparative research. In The International Encyclopaedia of Media Effects, ed. P. Rössler, C. A. Hoffner, & L. Zoonen, p. 1-17. Chichester, Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.
- Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford University Press.
- Franklin, B., & Carlson, M. (2010). Journalists, sources, and credibility: New perspectives. New York, N.Y: Routledge.
- Golan, G. J., & Anita Day, A. (2010). In God we trust: Religiosity as a predictor of perceptions of media trust, factuality, and privacy invasion. American Behavioral Scientist, 54(2), 120–136. 10.1177/0002764210376314
- Gottfried, J., & Anderson, M. (2014, December 12). For some, the satiric "Colbert Report" is a trusted source of political news. Pew Research Center.
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- Guo, Z. (2018). Media credibility in the public mind: A critique. Communication & Society, 46, 121–182. 74&CA_ID=590
- Harber, K. D., & Cohen, D. J. (2005). The emotional broadcaster theory of social sharing. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 24(4), 382–400.
- Hasebrink, U., Popp, J. (2006). Media repertoires as a result of selective media use. A conceptual approach to the analysis of patterns of exposure. The European Journal of Communication Research, 31, (3), 369-387.
- Hellmueller, L., & Trilling, D. (2012, June). The credibility of credibility measures: A meta-analysis in leading communication journals, 1951 to 2011 [Paper Presentation], WAPOR 65th Annual Conference, Hong Kong.
- Holbert, R. L. (2005). Back to basics: Revisiting, resolving, and expanding some of the fundamental issues of political communication research. Political Communication, 22(4), 511-514.
- Hollander, B. A. (2018). Partisanship, individual differences, and news media exposure as predictors of conspiracy beliefs. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(3), 887-897
- Hopmann, D. N., Shehata, A., & Strömbäck, J. (2015). Contagious media effects: How media use and exposure to game-framed news influence media trust. Mass Communication and Society, 18(6), 55-62:150529131421001.
- Iyengar, S., Lelkes, Y., Levendusky, M., Malhotra, N., & Westwood, S. J. (2019). The origins and consequences of affective polarization in the United States. Annual Review of Political Science, 22, 129-146.
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- Kiousis, S. (2001). Public trust or mistrust? Perceptions of media credibility in the information age. Mass Communication and Society, 4(4), 381–403. https://
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Bowman, S., & Willis, C. (2003). We Media: How audiences are shaping the future of news and information. Washington DC: The Media Center at the American Press Institute.
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Edgerly, S., Mourão, R. R., Thorson, E., & Tham, S. M. (2020). When do audiences verify? How perceptions about message and source influence audience verification of news headlines. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(1), 52–71.
Edgerly, S., & Vraga, E. K. (2020a). Deciding what's news: News-ness as an audience concept for the hybrid media environment. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(2), 416–434.
Edgerly, S., & Vraga, E. K. (2020b) That's not news: Audience perceptions of "news-ness" and why it matters. Mass Communication and Society, 23(5), 730-754,
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Esser, F., & Steppat, D. (2017). News media use: International comparative research. In The International Encyclopaedia of Media Effects, ed. P. Rössler, C. A. Hoffner, & L. Zoonen, p. 1-17. Chichester, Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.
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Gottfried, J., & Anderson, M. (2014, December 12). For some, the satiric "Colbert Report" is a trusted source of political news. Pew Research Center.
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Guess, A. M. (2015). Measure for measure: An experimental test of online political media exposure. Political Analysis, 23 (1): 59–75.
Guo, Z. (2018). Media credibility in the public mind: A critique. Communication & Society, 46, 121–182. 74&CA_ID=590
Harber, K. D., & Cohen, D. J. (2005). The emotional broadcaster theory of social sharing. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 24(4), 382–400.
Hasebrink, U., Popp, J. (2006). Media repertoires as a result of selective media use. A conceptual approach to the analysis of patterns of exposure. The European Journal of Communication Research, 31, (3), 369-387.
Hellmueller, L., & Trilling, D. (2012, June). The credibility of credibility measures: A meta-analysis in leading communication journals, 1951 to 2011 [Paper Presentation], WAPOR 65th Annual Conference, Hong Kong.
Holbert, R. L. (2005). Back to basics: Revisiting, resolving, and expanding some of the fundamental issues of political communication research. Political Communication, 22(4), 511-514.
Hollander, B. A. (2018). Partisanship, individual differences, and news media exposure as predictors of conspiracy beliefs. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(3), 887-897
Hopmann, D. N., Shehata, A., & Strömbäck, J. (2015). Contagious media effects: How media use and exposure to game-framed news influence media trust. Mass Communication and Society, 18(6), 55-62:150529131421001.
Iyengar, S., Lelkes, Y., Levendusky, M., Malhotra, N., & Westwood, S. J. (2019). The origins and consequences of affective polarization in the United States. Annual Review of Political Science, 22, 129-146.
Johnson, T. J., & Kaye, B. K. (1998). Cruising is believing? Comparing internet and traditional sources on media credibility measures. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 75(2), 325–340. https://doi. org/10.1177/107769909807500208
Jurrat, N. (2011). Mapping digital media: Citizen journalism and the internet. Open Society Foundations Reference Series: Washington.
Kibuacha, F. (2021, April). How to determine sample size for a research study, https://www.geo
Kim, S., & Kim, S. (2020). The crisis of public health and infodemic: Analyzing belief structure of fake news about the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 12(23), 9904.
Kiousis, S. (2001). Public trust or mistrust? Perceptions of media credibility in the information age. Mass Communication and Society, 4(4), 381–403. https://
Kovaic, M., Erjavec, K., & Stular, K. (2010). Credibility of the traditional versus online news media: A historical change in journalists’ perspective. Medijska istraživanja: znanstveno-stručni časopis za novinarstvo i medije, 16 (1), 113–130.
Kramp, L. (2015). The rumbling years. The communicative figurations approach as a heuristic concept to study– and shape–the transformation of journalism. Journalism, Representation and the Public Sphere. Bremen: Edition Lumière, 23–55.
Lasswell, H. (1948). The structure and function of communication in society. In L. Bryson (Ed.), The communication of ideas (pp. 37–51). Harper & Row.
Lazer, D. M. J., Baum, M. A., Benkler, Y., Berinsky, A. J., Greenhill, K. M., Menczer, F., . . . Zittrain, J. L. (2018). The science of fake news. Science, 359(6380), 1094–1096.
Lee, T. T. (2010). Why they don’t trust the media: An examination of factors predicting trust. American Behavioral Scientist, 54(1), 8–21. 1177/0002764210376308
Lee, A. M. (2013). News Audiences Revisited: Theorizing the Link Between Audience Motivations and News Consumption. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 57(3),300-317.
Lewis, J., Williams, A., & Franklin, B. (2008). A compromised fourth estate? U.K. news journalism, public relations and news sources. Journalism Studies, 9, 1-20.
Loader, B. D., Vromen, A., & Xenos, M. A. (2014). The networked young citizen: social media, political participation and civic engagement. Information, Communication & Society, 17(2), 143-150.
Loos, E., & Nijenhuis, J. (2020). Consuming fake news: A matter of age? The perception of political fake news stories in Facebook Ads. Int. Conf. Hum. Comput. Interact., 12209, 69–88.
Mather, M., & Carstensen, L. L. (2005). Aging and motivated cognition: The positivity effect in attention and memory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, 496–502. tics.2005.08.005
McCombs, M. E., Holbert, L., Kiousis, S., & Wanta, W. (2011). The news and public opinion: Media effects on civic life. Boston: Polity Press.
McQuail, D. (2010). McQuail’s mass communication theory (6th ed.). Sage.
Mehrabi, D., Abu-Hassan, M., & Ali, M. S. S. (2009). New media credibility of the internet and television. European Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 136–148. Mehrabi/publication/228679972_News_media _credibility_of_the_internet_and_television/links/ 5b4c8ac4aca272c60947c2a2/News-media-credibil ity-of-the-internet-and-television.pdf
Mulder, R. (1981). A log-linear analysis of media credibility. Journalism Quarterly, 58(4), 635–638.
Newman, N., Fletcher, R., Kalogeropoulos, A., Levy, D., & Nielsen, R K. (2018). Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018, Available at SSRN:
Norris, P. (2000). A virtuous circle: Political communications in postindustrial societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ognyanova, K., Lazer, D., Robertson, R. E., & Wilson, C. (2020). Misinformation in action: Fake news exposure is linked to lower trust in media, higher trust in government when your side is in power. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review.
Prior M (2003) Any good news in soft news? The impact of soft news preference on political knowledge. Political Communication, 20(2): 149–171
Prior, M. (2019). Hooked. How politics capture people’s interest. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rampersad, G., & Althiyabi, T. (2020). Fake news: Acceptance by demographics and culture on social media. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 17(1), 1–11.
Reinemann et al., 2011 Reinemann C, Stanyer J, Scherr S, et al. (2011) Hard and soft news: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings. Journalism, 13(2): 221–239.
Reis, J. C., Kwak, H., An, J., et al. (2017). Demographics of news sharing in the US Twittersphere. Proceedings of the 28th ACM conference on hypertext and social media, Prague, Czech Republic, 4–7 July, pp. 195–204. New York: ACM
Robinson, M. J., & Kohut, A. (1988). Believability and the press. Public Opinion Quarterly, 52(2), 174–189.
Schudson, M. (1998). The good citizen: A history of American civic life. New York: The Free Press.
Shehata, A., & Strömbäck, J. (2011). A matter of context: A comparative study of media environments and news consumption gaps in Europe. Political Communication, 28(1), 110–34.
Soetekouw, L., & Angelopoulos, S. (2022). Digital resilience through training protocols: Learning to identify fake news on social media. Information Systems Frontiers.
Strömbäck, J. (2005). Search of a standard: Four models of democracy and their normative implications for journalism. Journalism Studies, 6(3), 331-345.
Strömbäck, J., Tsfati, Y., Boomgaarden, H., Damstra, A., Lindgren, E., Vliegenthart, R., & Lindholm, T. (2020). News media trust and its impact on media use. Toward a framework for future research. Annals of the International Communication Association, 44(2), 139–156.
Stroud, N. J. (2011). Niche news: The politics of news choice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Taneja, H., Webster, J. G., Malthouse, E. C., et al. (2012) Media consumption across platforms: identifying user-defined repertoires. New Media & Society, 14(6), 951–968.
Tewksbury, D. (2005). The seeds of audience fragmentation: Specialization in the use of online news sites. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 49(3), 332–348.
Tewksbury, D., Weaver, A. J., & Maddex, B. D. (2001). Accidentally informed: Incidental news exposure on the World Wide Web. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 78(3), 533–554. https://doi. org/10.1177/107769900107800309
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