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The article explores the challenges and factors contributing to occupational stress among senior high school teachers in Ghana. The study investigates the prevalence of stress, its impact on teachers' physical and psychological well-being, and the coping mechanisms employed by teachers to manage stress. The research highlights the significance of teacher well-being in the education system and emphasizes the need for interventions and support systems to address occupational stress among educators. The findings underscore the importance of improving working conditions, providing training on stress management, and fostering a conducive teaching environment to enhance the overall well-being of high school teachers in Ghana. The future implications of this research are multifaceted, there is a critical imperative for Ghanaian educational authorities to institute comprehensive teacher well-being programs, encompassing stress management workshops, mental health support, and initiatives promoting work-life balance. Failure to do so could result in a potential crisis of teacher retention, with experienced educators succumbing to burnout and attrition.


Occupational Stress Senior High School Teachers Ghana Education Workload

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How to Cite
Kodzo Agbesi, I. S. . (2023). Occupational Stress among Senior High School Teachers in Ghana. Convergence Chronicles, 5(1), 238–252.


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